Keep Good Credit Rating - A Few Great Tips
By Clifton Randall
Keep a good credit rating by following these great tips. Arm yourself with a budget. Don’t spend willy-nilly. After you decide on your budget, make a list of the items that you would like to purchase. This will protect you from impulse buying and stretching your budget.
Most retail stores make their sales through impulse purchases. They will draw you with sale tagged items that you probably cannot pass by. Buying things out of the whim will add further strain to your budget and will lead to buyer remorse. Just say no to and stick with your list. Remember, it is your responsibility to keep a good credit rating no one else’s.
The battle between retail stores could mean big savings for you if you know where to look. With so many retail stores fighting for your business, it is easy to find a good deal. When purchasing from a sale always save your receipt. Merchants will generally credit you with the difference in price if you find the same item for a lesser price from a competitor.
Watch out for extended warranties! They are of no benefit to you other than peace of mind. According to a recent survey, fewer than 20% of products covered by extended warranties are ever brought in for repair. Floor salesmen usually make a higher commission when they sell extended warranties to consumers. As a result, you can expect a long drawn out sales pitch when you decide to buy that new microwave oven.
Do you own a computer? Have you tried online shopping? It is the new wave of the future. There are so many innovative websites. They offer customers the latest reviews and prices on everything from books to the newest gadgets. Use them for comparison shopping also.
These few credit strategies are simple and prudent. As simple as they are though, they can save you hundreds of dollars. They next time you go shopping try them.
Do you find it difficult to keep a good credit rating? Clifton Randall has worked in the credit industry for the last 25 years. Follow the link to this credit book that has excellent tips on how to keep good credit rating.
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